Katharina Moser is a sociopolitical entrepreneur based in Vienna, AT with 15 years of experience in developing projects that foster a European spirit. After her studies, she worked for the Austrian Foreign Ministry, the British Council London and the European Forum Alpbach. In 2015 she founded MOSAIK – an agency for creative formats on
Europe, 2 of its major projects being: COME ON OVER! – a card game/ communication tool with fun facts on Europe; or the one-day-event Routes – The European journey in your city where participants experience European countries in their own city (Austrian State Award on Europe & European Citizens’ Prize in 2017).
1. What do you think is the main reason why some people don’t care about your Topic?
Europe is not exactly the sexiest of topics. A lot of people associate it with complex, bureaucratic and stiff politics that you need a master studies for in order to take part in the conversation. But to me, Europe is all about the people, the cultures and the countries and the vast variety of inspirations and chances to exchange that are out there. To me, Europe is something very personal that enriches my life.
This is why in 2015 I set up MOSAIK, a creative agency that develops formats to make people feel and experience Europe. Two of MOSAIK’s major projects are COME ON OVER! – a communication tool in the form of a card game playing with fun facts on European countries; or the one-day-event Routes – The European journey in the middle of your city that lets participants experience European countries in their own city.
2. If you were the president/prime minister of your country for one day, what wouldyou change about this topic?
Not sure if I could make it in one day, but I would change is the general approach on how we make politics. These days we’re living in such a complex, rational world, that we seem to have forgotten that we are all emotional beings. What I would try to set up is a kind of government that truly wants to create the best possible life for all citizens. I would try to implement a politics of hope, cooperation and inspiration instead of a politics of fear, segregation and protectionism.
3. Do you have a personal motto?
Being European is not about all of us being the same. Being European is about the ability to deal with diversity. And the willingness to see it as something positive rather than a threat.
4. Can you share some links to talks or texts, or name literature that you can recommend to any starting activist?
In 2014 I was part of the European Collective, headed by Martin Speer and Vincent Herr, who recently set up the #FreeInterrail initiative. Together with 12 young Europeans we wrote the booklet Who, if not us? In which we share our very personal stories in order to inspire others to become active in their lives - in whichever way they chose for themselves. Whoever is interested, can order a free copy online.
Furthermore here are some of my talks:
European Forum Alpbach: Closing on the Political Symposium, August 2017 (English)
The Arc Forum: TED Talk on “What makes me feel alive”, September 2018 (English)
Creative Mornings: “My love for Europe”, July 2016 (English)